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Daikin heat pump EDLA06E3V3 + temperature sensor 301235P SET

Daikin heat pump EDLA06E3V3 + temperature sensor 301235P SET

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Daikin heat pump EDLA06E3V3 + temperature sensor 301235P SET

Product features %p10 /%

Water temperature sensor in the DHW tank.Fits Daikin models from 4kW up to and including 16kW.Length 11 meters.


Phases: 1

Dimensions: L: 870 mm B: 1380 mm H: 460 mm

Weight: 149.0 kg

Power 6 kW

Efficiency heating 6,00 kW

Radiator efficiency 3 kW

Power consumption - heating % p30/% 1,24 kW

COP 4,85 kW

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