Pylontech US2000C 2,4KWh 48V LiFePO4

Pylontech US2000C 2,4KWh 48V LiFePO4

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  • Compact and fashionable design fits into your home environment
  • Deliver up to 5 kW with a single module (2,4 kWh)
  • %p7 /% Modular design gives end customer the ability to choose capacity
  • Compatible with most available hybrid inverters
  • Easy buckle attachment minimizes installation time and cost %p12/ %
  • Safety certificate TÜV CE UL UN38.3
  • Cable for connecting the memory modules to one another included in the scope of delivery, cable set for connecting to the inverter can be ordered separately (not included in the scope of delivery)
  • %p18/ %

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