Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor
Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor

Storage battery 10.24Kwh- 51.2Vdc/200Ah wall/floor

Manufacturer Code
Storage battery 51.2Vdc
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Manufacturer Code
Storage battery 51.2Vdc

Baterie(acumulator) de stocare Lithiu-fier-fosfor 48Vdc LifePO4 200Ah de capacitate 10.24 Kwh pentru siteme fotovoltaice si eoliene.

Comunicare inteligenta BMS inclusa.Display multifunctional. Indicator LED pe baterie pentru capacitate.

Avantajele bateriilor Lithiu-fier-fosfor LifePO4:

- Bateriile LifePO4 pot fi icarcate si descarcate cu putere mare.

- Asigura consumul pe timp de noapte sau in perioade cu cer noros.

- Bateriile LifePO4 beneficiaza de control BMS al celulelor- control de putere,temperatura,incarcare,descarcare.

- Bateriile LifePO4 sunt ecologice si pot fi reciclate.

- Durata mare de functionare in ani.

- Sunt compacte, mici si usoare in comparatie cu bateriile pe acid de aceeasi capacitate.

- Bateriile LifePO4 sunt sigure, rezistente la caldura si au o valva antiexplozie.

- Bateriile LifePO4 au capacitate de 2-3 ori mai mare de stocare la acelasi volum ca si bateriile pe acid.

- Bateriile LifePO4 sunt mult mai stabile si durabile.

- Bateriile LifePO4 pot fi conectate pana la 14 unitati in paralel fara modificari de sistem.

- Producator premium de baterii LifePO4 de 13 ani.

Pachetul contine:

1 buc. baterie perete 48Vdc LifePO4 200Ah

1.5 metri cablu rosu 35mm2 conectare baterie

1.5 metri cablu negru 35mm2 conectare baterie

1 buc. cablu canbus pentru conectare baterie-invertor

1 buc. cablu paralel conectare baterie-baterie

1 manual

Montaj pe perete sau podea- compacta- se pot conecta mai multe unitati in paralel.

Ciclu de viata > 6500 cicluri la descarcare 80%(16-18 ani)

Compatibila cu invertoarele hibride "low voltage" 48Vdc de la:

Deye,EASUN, INVT, MPP Solar,Growatt, Srne, Voltronic Power, Afore, MegaRevo,Sorotec, Must, Studer, SMA, Victron Energy, Lux Power, Sofar, Goodwee, PylonTech, Ampleness, AmensSolar.

 Specifications Remarks
1 Nominal voltage 51.2Vdc
2 Typical capacity 200Ah At 0.2C charge and
3 Energy 10.24kWh discharge
4 Battery internal resistance ≤30mΩ At AC 1kHz

5 Charging limit voltage 58.4Vdc
6 Operating voltage 44.8~58.4Vdc

7 Standard charging current 100A
8 Max. charging current 150A
9 Discharge cut-off voltage 44.8V
10 Standard discharge current 100A
11 Max. discharge current 150A
12 Combination method 16S2P
13 Cell type LFP 3.2V 100Ah
14 Main shell material Cold rolled steel sheets
15 Protection level IP51
16 Cooling methods Natural cooling
17 Dimensions 850x580x175mm Battery mainframe size
18 Battery weight Approx. 99kg
19 Operating temperature range
Charge temperature: 0℃~45℃
Discharge temperature: Humidity 10% - 90% RH -20℃~60℃
20 Storage temperature range
15℃~25℃: 9 months 50% to 60% charge capacity
0℃~35℃:6 months
-20℃~45℃: 1 months

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